In the lastest round of Regional Conferences for congregations engaged in Path of Renewal, we’ve been encouraging folks to tell their stories. And folk have been generous in their sharing - as well as honest. Stories shared haven’t simply been all the shiny bits of things that have gone well - but sharing of work in progress, of wrong turnings and changes in direction. There has been a recounting of risks taken and of lessons learned.
There is something about stories that allows both the tellers and the listeners to find a communal point of connection, a shared place of vulnerability. There is the opportunity to see, in a story, a moment of inspiration and of possibility.
Vulnerability is the birthplace of love, belonging, joy, courage, empathy, and creativity. It is the source of hope, empathy, accountability, and authenticity. Brené Brown, Daring Greatly.
We’ve heard of a minister being banned from the weekly cafe outreach... of a congregation with no buildings... we’ve been inspired by the tale of Granny Sparkle, great inter generational corroboration between the church and school community... we’ve heard of experimental work with dwindling numbers of young people ...of leadership development... of generational characteristics disrupting Session meetings.
As well as inspiration and consolation, all of the stories contribute to the reality that none of us has the answer or the solution to how we can effectively join God in mission today - EXCEPT, to show up, to pitch in and to let God be God, using what we have and the gifts we offer.
We should never underestimate the power of stories in transformation and the comfort and inspiration there is in sharing. The sense of being in this together with God enables us to journey on in faithfulness and obedience and to continue to create communities that encourage and support risk taking for the sake of the kingdom of God.